Monday 29 December 2014

Empowerment, Self Confidence & Awareness

The meaning of empowerment according to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition, is to equip or supply with an ability; to enable. The true force of empowerment can be felt when a person allows oneself to completely and wholly embrace this meaning , feeling free to utilise to its fullest such an ability . In today's modern society where we have access to a large amounts of information, at a fast pace and easier than we have ever had before, one would think we have never been in a better position to equip ourselves with knowledge....but just how much does this translate into ability and in turn empower us to live a life we dream of? 

The term empowerment is used seemingly freely in the modern era , we aim to empower employees, empower our children and ultimately empower ourselves. So just what is empowerment? I set out to discover not just the meaning of it, but the process behind achieving it.

The Personal Empowerment Institute of suggests you can learn to harness your authentic power enabling you to experience true joy and inner peace, by following nine steps .This process which includes establishing clear purpose and direction , thinking with your heart and honouring your true self would seem to be a great start. In saying that how do you begin to define such a purpose and direction?

Upon not only my personal journey but those documented by many others a very good first step is to begin to look inward. By that I mean becoming familiar with who you truly are , and what it is you bring to this world. Attune yourself with your core values and become the person you are most comfortable being. This includes the socio-psychological concept of self-confidence.

There are many factors that may affect self-confidence , or the self-assuredness in one's personal judgement, ability, and power.  These factors include social networks, activities, perception of self, and perceived perception by others. It may extend to body image and physical and emotional health. Understanding yourself through a personal discovery journey, can help you to gain wonderful insights into how your beliefs and emotional awareness impact your everyday life. In particular area's including sense of worth, resilience and ability to cope may be impacted as part of this process. 

Working with horses helps instill trust, self-esteem and confidence. Communicating and making a connection with animals who are full of grace and power is in itself a challenge, and when successful can be very rewarding. Awareness of one’s personal presence and physical being, having knowledge and consciousness is the foundation of good communication, in particular with equines.  The true leverage and benefit of positive interaction with horses can be found in the process of learning in the moment. That is not only are you discovering truths about yourself by receiving immediate and honest feedback, but to succeed you need not only acknowledge this feedback but process and apply new skills and levels consciousness. 

Learning or development of knowledge is a major step which contributes to empowerment, however translation of this knowledge into living consciously and being self confident and aware to me are a fundamental part of the process. Equine facilitated learning is key in enabling all these components to engage and create new mind maps and ways of thinking. When one understands and accepts who they are, the possibilities are limitless. 
Konect Equine Wisdom and Wellness Centre

Monday 1 December 2014

Cognitive-behavioural treatment programs for children with anxiety, what makes them effective?

Given the high number of children I have visiting my facility experiencing anxiety, to help me gaining an understanding of what can help to overcome and manage the symptoms I undertook some research. I focused on evaluating the CBT based approach. The studies which included intervention programs both school and non school based, delivered mostly in group settings, and treatments delivered to children at a variety of ages from as young as 4 years old. Components of each intervention including structure and content, delivery methods, participant age and parent or teacher involvement were evaluated. Common themes between each of the interventions and a summary of the outcomes are established and key components evaluated.
This investigation has given me , and Konect Equine Wisdom and Wellness Centre the opportunity to review program content and delivery to ensure we are helping in the best way possible. One area of interest is the meaningful contribution to positive outcomes family involvement can have. I am looking at ways to further incorporate parents into sessions with the goal of transferring knowledge and skills to them as well.