Friday 29 April 2016

Equine Equilibrium Circles , rebalance, reconnect and find your true self.

I am excited to announce the introduction of Symmetry Saturday’s at Konect Equine. One Saturday a month we will be coming together to create a sacred space, through the facilitation of our new Equine Equilibrium Circles. These mornings are open to anyone wanting to rebalance, reconnect and find your true self.
They will be a casual gathering where we gift ourselves the time to become more present, reflect and to seek answers from within. Allowing yourself to step away from the pressure of today's busy lifestyle, and constant demands can be a powerful experience.  Through a personal journey whereby you allow space for, and generate appropriate energies you can find answers to questions you didn't even know required answering.
Feeling relaxed and at ease through this entire process, can help you face and accept, answers we may not have wanted to hear.  Being present is key and is the very conduit by which we can increase both our feelings and our performance. 
So how can we increase our ability to be present, stay connected, and learn to control our thoughts and actions?  The answer lies in finding these truths through one of the most elegant, powerful and spirited animals to grace the earth, the horse.  These stunning creatures have a highly developed fight or flight instinct, this reaction begins in the amygdala or fear centre of the brain, similar to that of a human, and offers many insights into how we react under pressure. Through interaction and spending time in their presence, the horse can help us develop a better understand of responsibility and self-control .
Horses are also very social animals who live in herds, the complex social hierarchy that exists in a natural herd of horses, can provide opportunities to explore the impact of building, and or weaknesses in our own human relationships. 
Finally collaborating and sharing these experiences in a group not only gives  one the chance to see things from a number of perspectives, but can also amplify any feelings that may arise , both good and bad, and ultimately aides in developing better emotional intelligence.
If you think Equine Equilibrium Circles at Konect maybe for you , register your interest now .  These sessions will go for 1 ½ hour, morning tea/coffee is supplied. Or follow our Konect Equine facebook page to receive notifications of the first scheduled session and other available programs.  

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